Friends are the family you choose...


Get thee down! Be thou FUNK-AY!


- Chris M.




Cohen: Well, you're a tall drink of water.


Addela: Does that mean I'm refreshing.


Cohen: No, it means you're tall.




I can't feel my nose! Can someone feel my nose?


- Ali




I could be Martha Stewert when I grow up, if I wasn't who I am.


- Clare Marie




Fear the Wrath of Addela!


- Beth




Clare Marie: Back in my day you could get a 24-pack of Coke for only $4!


Addela: Your day?


Clare Marie: Back when I was 11.




Those who dance to the song I play, I cannot live without.


- Becker




Well, you know, when you're dumb, it lasts FOREVER!


- Lina




If you've only got one hit left, you might as well make it a silver bullet.


- Becker




My Addela has a first name,

It's S-E-X-X-Y.

My Addela has a second name,

It's M-A-M-M-A.


I love to see her everyday,

And get into her homework's way.

'Cuz Sexxy Mamma has a way

to make me want to chill and play!


- Jenn




Man, I'm lit up like a Christmas tree.


- Sarah A.




Life is not always about fair but it can always be fun.


- Jenn




And most importantly, you dont' have to understand someone to love them.


- Jenn




You should name your only daughter Addelica. If I have a daughter, I'd name her Addelica, after my good friend Addela, and the Angelica I haven't met yet.


- Anna




Shut the fuck up bitch and punch me in the dome!


- Wayne




Dude, I'm so horny, the crack of dawn better look out for me!


- Wayne




Sid's the kid who throws rocks at retard kids. I'm the one who laughs and tells him to do it.


- Matt S




Some people say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." I say, "If you don't have anything relevant to say, SHUT THE HELL UP!"


- Addela






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